
About me

Hi, my name is Camila and this is my personal data blog.

I like data

I like data, big data, small data, open data… you get the point. I usually write about my adventures analysing open datasets, participating in kaggle competitions or exploring new technologies. Sometimes I also do a bit of web development.

Also, python > R.

About this blog

This is a Jekyll based blog hosted on github. In particular, this blog is built using Jekyll Now. (Thanks barryclark!) Tweaks and design are my own.

Data + Catastrophe = Datastrophe

Catastrophe = an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

Data is just a tool that can be used for good or bad. The name of this blog forces me to remember that datastrophes do happen and that with big data comes big resposability. Let’s do good with data.

Reach out

If you have any comments or thoughts, please, do contact me. You can find my email and other social media profiles in the footer.


Icons from flaticon.